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RMS Titanic

Captain Edward J. Smith. RMS Titanic sank on maiden voyage: 15th April 1912, Killing 1,503 people including passengers and crew.

White Star Lines owned by International Mercantile Marine Co. which was owned by J. P. Morgan.

The previous year, 20 Sep 1911, Captain Edward J. Smith crashed the RMS Olympia into the HMS Hawke causing significant damage to both ships. After an investigation, Captain Smith was found at fault and White Star Lines was liable for repair costs to both ships. In addition White Star Line was financing the construction of the third and final cruise liner HHS Britannic.

Captain Smith assigned to maiden voyage at last moment.

Insufficient life boats.RMS Titanic carried 20 Life boats out of a possible 48.

With 2,228 people on the Titanic and only enough capacity for 1,178, the order of ‘Woman and Children first; was given. Captain Smith threatend to shoot men unless they yielded to women for lifeboat seats. Note: Whilst being a noble / honourable act, this signicantly increased the likelihood that men including the wealthy heads of families would die. See business transactions after the sinking.

Search mind map … Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Rockefeller) and Robert D. Ballard (Bohemian)

People who cancelled or changed their travel plans, missing the Titanic Voyage.

- J.P. Morgan (Owner of White Star Lines) - delayed by business (suite then booked by Mr. and Mrs. J. Horace Harding).[7]

- Margaret Louisa Vanderbilt Shepard (daughter of W.H. Vanderbilt) - escaped being a victim of the RMS Titanic, having booked passage but for unknown reasons cancelled and traveled a week earlier on the RMS Olympic.

- George Washington Vanderbilt III and Edith booked passage on the Titanic but changed their plans before departure, sailing and arriving in New York before the Titanic sank.

- Robert Bacon - Senior Partner at J.P. Morgan. Son Robert Low Bacon, Phoenix S-K Club. Friend of Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason). Assistant Secretary of State by Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason), Ambassador to France by President William Howard Taft (S&B1878). Missed return trip to the U.S. on the Titanic.)

- Rev. J. Stuart Holden’s wife became ill, causing him to change his travel plans.

- Charles Ross sailed aboard the Carmania three days before Titanic’s maiden voyage.

For more names - click here or [7]


Encyclopedia Titanica.org - Titanic Victims - click here

Some examples:

Isidor and Ida Straus - Co-owners of Macy’s.

Benjamin Guggenheim

John Jacob Astor IV - Astor Family. Real Estate Investor and Finance.

Note: Events after the Sinking of the Titanic …

  • Leland Stanford Stillman (S&B 1894)
    1912 to 1915, Manager, 1915 to 1917, Assistant Secretary of Trust Department of Astor Trust Company of New York.

  • 23 Apr 1917 - After the sinking of the Titanic, Astor Trust Company merged with Bankers Trust Company of New York.

  • 1917 to 1926 - Stillman (S&B 1894) becomes Assistant Secretary of Bankers Trust Company of New York.

  • Mortimer Norton Buckner (S&B 1895) - 1904 to 1915, Vice-President, 1916 to 1921,President, 1921 to 1942, Chairman New York Trust Company and New York Security & Trust Company.

George Dennick Wick - Steel Magnate.

Persons who disappeared.

Encyclopedia Titanica.org - The Disappeared - Click here for names.

Other notes

Encyclopedia Titanica.org - Survivors - Click here for names.

Stanley Lord - Captain of the S.S. California. Closet ship to the RMS Titanic which was also owned by J.P.Morgan and did not respond to Titanic’s distress flares. (£10.5million was left in his will - 2019 Money)

Francis Brown - “How holy obedience saved a Priest’s Life on Titanic”

Carr Van Anda, New York Times Reporting of the Sinking of the RMS Titanic.

Edgar Joseph Meyer died on the RMS Titanic. Brother of Eugene Isaac Meyer, WW1 War Production Board, 5th Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Bought the Washington Post (Mockingbird), President of the World Bank, invested in Zapata Off-shore Oil (George H.W. Bush S&B 1948).

- Grandson of John Sargent Pillsbury, Sr. (Governor of Minnesota. Pillsbury brand.) - John Pillsbury Snyder (1888 –1959), was a survivor of the RMS Titanic. John and his wife, Nelle, returning from their European honeymoon, are said to have been the first people to have entered the very first lifeboat, No. 7. Relations include: John Sargent Pillsbury (S&B 1935) - who employed architect Minoru Yamasaki (known for World Trade Centers = 9/11) and Philip W. Pillsbury (Wolf’s Head 1924) who bought and globally rolled out Burger King.

- Herbert John Pitman (Freemason), aged 34, was third officer on the Titanic. He helped to load and lower one of the lifeboats and row it towards the nearby ship Carpathia. Pitman went back to sea with other liners and served in the Merchant Navy in the Second World War. He had joined Abbey Lodge, No. 3341, in Hatfield in 1909 and remained a member until his death in 1961. A letter from the lodge congratulating him on his rescue was sold at auction in October 2011.[12]

David Sarnoff (Freemason, Scottish Rite) - Marconi Radio Operator on the night of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. President RCA. Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

RMS Titanic was owned by White Star line, which was owned by International Mercantile Marine Co., which was owned by J.P.Morgan. S.S. California was also owned by a subsidiary of J.P.Morgan.

- J.P.Morgan Secret Society Profiles

24 Oct 1911 to 25 May 1915 - Winston Churchill (Freemason) - First Lord of the Admirality - Cabinet member. Government’s Senior Advisor on all Naval affairs.

- Lord Mersey (Freemason) - British Board of Trade was exonerated by the British inquiry led by Lord Mersey (Freemason). Initiated as a Freemason in 1881 at the Northern Bar Lodge in London.[8]

- Sydney Buxton (Freemason) - President of the Board of Trade. Sydney Buxton was also a long-standing Mason after being initiated in 1888 at Limehouse in East London, where he was local MP.[8]

- John Harvard Biles (Freemason) - Inquiry, Naval Architecture Specialist. One of the five inqury expert assessors.[8]

- Edward Chaston (Freemason) - Inquiry, Senior engineer assessor. One of the five inquiry expert assessors.[8]

- Lord Pirrie (Freemason) - Another key figure in the inquiry. He was chairman of the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast which built the Titanic and a directors of shipping line White Star’s parent company.[8]

Note: It’s alleged that with the combined wealth and influence of Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor and Ida Straus and John Jacob Astor they could have been a significant obstacle to the setting up of the Federal Reserve. See secret society members associated with the setting up of the Federal Reserve …

- Federal Reserve Secret Society Profiles

Freemasons who died on the RMS Titanic

- Willam T Stead (Freemason) - The Society of the Elect (Round table). NOTE: Stead objected to the South African War (to become Boer War). Sinking of the RMS Titanic is pre-Federal Reserve Act signing on 23 Dec 1913 and WW1.

Leading to up Boer War… Cecil Rhodes communication to William Stead, “You will support Milner in any measure that he may take short of war. I make no such limitation. I support Milner absolutely without reserve. If he says peace, I say peace; if he says war, I say war. Whatever happens, I say ditto to Milner”[16,p49]

- Howard Brown Case (Freemason), aged 49. - Managing director of the Vacuum Oil Company (part of the Standard Oil Company), based in Rochester, New York, and was establishing the company’s operations in the UK. He lived at Ascot with his wife, two sons and two daughters and was described as ‘an exceptionally hard worker’ with a ‘magnetic personality’. Case had been travelling in a first-class cabin and some survivors recalled that he helped women and children into the lifeboats and finally stepped back to meet his fate. He had been initiated in America Lodge, No. 3368, in June 1909.[12]

- Percy Cornelius Taylor (Freemason), aged 32. - Past Master of Musgrave Lodge, No. 1597, at Hampton Court, and a cellist in the ship’s orchestra. The band famously kept playing as the Titanic went down, with all eight members sadly perishing.[12]

- Robert Arthur Wareham (Freemason), aged 36. - From Toxteth Lodge, No. 1356, and Arthur Lawrence, aged 35, a member of Neptune Lodge, No. 1264, also died.[12]

- Henry Price Hodges (Freemason) was a 50-year-old salesman of musical instruments from Southampton who was travelling as a second-class passenger en route to Boston. He had been initiated in Caulsentum Lodge, No. 1461, Woolston (Southampton), before joining Royal Gloucester Lodge, No. 130.[12]

- Pierre Giuseppe Bochet (Freemason), meanwhile, had moved to London from Aosta in Italy where he worked in the catering trade. He joined the Titanic at Southampton as a waiter, aged 43. He was a member of Loggia Italia, No. 2687 and also Columbia Chapter, No. 2397.[12]

- Henry Harris (Freemason) was a New York theatre manager and a member of Munn Lodge, No. 100.[12]

- Frank Millet (Freemason) was vice chairman of the Fine Arts Committee, based in Washington DC, and member of Kane Lodge, No. 454. [12]

- Alexander Holverson (Freemason) was a member of Transportation Lodge, No. 842.[12]

- Oscar Scott Woody (Freemason), a clerk in the on-board post office. He was a member of Acacia Lodge, No. 16, in Virginia.[12]

[1] - FYI - Wiki - RMS Titanic

[2] - FYI - Wiki - White Star Line

[3] - FYI - International Mercantile Marine Co.

[4] - FYI - Wiki - Captain - Edward Smith

[5] - reference to Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (and OSNC logo)

[6] - Independent.co.uk, 2 Nov 2012. Man responsible for making Titanic seaworthy had request for 50% more lifeboats knocked back, new documents reveal

[7] - Enclopedia Titanica - Cancelled Passages Aboard Titanic

[8] - Mirror, 23 Nov 2015. How secret group Freemasons has kept grip on Britain for 200 years. The names of royalty, statesmen, judges, military top brass, bishops and police have been found in a secret archive by Richard Smith

[9] - Independent, 23 Nov 2015. Freemasons may have influenced Titanic inquiry, newly disclosed list of members’ names reveals. The judge who oversaw the inquiry, leading investigators and the ship’s company chairman were involved in Masonic activity

[10] - Telegraph, 23 Nov 2015 - Was Titanic inquiry scuppered by the Freemasons? by John Bingham and Victoria Ward

[11] - Washingtonpost.com, 9 Jun 2020 - Government moves to block removal of telegraph from Titanic by Rachel Weiner

[12] - Freemasonrytoday.com - Final Voyage

[13] - Enclopedia Titanica - The forgotten drills aboard Titanic

[14] - Titanic Pigeon Forge - Freemasons: Titanic-Masonic Connections

[15] - Daily Mail Oct 3, 2013 by Mark Duell. $5 Million insurance Policy document for the Titanic reveals she may have only been covered for sea trials before fateful voyage as an afterthought by owners - Taken out 2 weeks before ship sank. Sea trials due to take place in March but delayed for unknown reason. This could have been because doomed ship was not insured at that stage.

[16] - The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley (1981)

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