Ronald Reagan.jpg

Ronald Wilson Reagan (Bohemian Club. Hon. Freemason)

Democrat < 1962. Republican >= 1962. Politician. Actor. Union Leader. Bohemian Club. Honary Freemason.

1989 - Tobruk encounter - Two Libyan MiG-23 fighters shot down.

*1987 to 1988 - Tanker War.[13] - U.S. Navy sinks several ships and damages Iranian military installations used to attack U.S. and U.S. allied civilian shipping. U.S. Navy shoots down civilian Iran Air Flight 655 killing all 290 passengers, among them 66 children.

1986 - Bombing of Libya.[13]

1986 - Action In the Gulf of Sidra.(Libya)

11 Jun 1985 - Presidents’ Diary … Lunch was with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such we could orbit 300 people.[1]

23 Oct 1983 - U.S. Marines in Lebanon, Beirut are attacked by two suicide bombers driving two truck bombs loaded with the equivalent of six tons of TNT plowed into the U.S. and French barracjs in two simultaneous attacks, killing 241 U.S. servicemen and 58 paratroopers. See Bernard William Rogers (Rhodes 1947)

18 Jun 1983 - Reagan nominates Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve.

23 Mar 1983 - Reagan urges the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

Cold War - 25 Oct 1983 - Invasion of Granada.[13] (Commonwealth country). Two days after the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. It was triggered by the strife within the People’s Revolutionary Government which resulted in the house arrest and execution of the previous leader and second Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop, and the establishment of the Revolutionary Military Council with Hudson Austin as Chairman. The invasion resulted in the appointment of an interim government, followed by democratic elections in 1984. The country has remained a democratic nation since then.

11 Jun 1982 - Reagan visits West Berlin.

6 Jun 1982 - Reagan becomes the first U.S. President to address the combined Houses of Parliament, taking Britain’s side in the Falkland Islands conflict with Argentina.

1982 to 1984 - Multinational Intervention in Lebanon.[13]

18 Nov 1981 - Negotiations with Soveit Union. Reagan states that he will not deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe if the Soviet Union agrees to dismantle similar weapons already in place.

2 Oct 1981 - Reagan declares that the United States will produce the B-1 bomber and MX missiles as part of the military buildup.

7 Jul 1981 - Nominates Sandra Day O’Connor for Supreme Court Justice.

31 Mar 1981 - News Hearld (AP) … Scott Hinckley, the brother of the man charged with shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush [S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian], the Houston Post has reported in a copyright story. Neil Bush said he once had met Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., and Bush family knew the Hinckley family because of the large political contributions they had made to the vice president’s campaign, the Post added. The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott W. Hinkley, Vice President of his father’s Denver-based Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he is a land man for Standard Oil Co., of Indiana.

30 March 1981 - Assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. (presumably due to speech 18th)

18 Feb 1981 - Reagan proposes increased defense spending, and decreased taxes and domestic spending in speech to Congress.

Cold War - 1981 - Gulf of Sidra encounter. (Deterioration of US-Libyan relations).[13]

20 Jan 1981 to 20 Jan 1989 - 40th President of the United States (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason). Vice President, George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948, Freemason & Bohemian).

2 Jan 1967 to 6 Jan 1975 - 33rd Governor of California.

16 Nov 1959 to 12 Jun 1960 - President of the Screen Actors Guild.

17 Nov 1947 to 9 Nov 1952 - President of the Screen Actors Guild.

Died 5 Jun 2004, from Alzheimer disease. Age 93. Event + 40y6m14d (14,806 days).

Charles S. Whitehouse (S&B 1947)
1988 to 1989 - Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict

Robert Lawson Earl (Rhodes 1968)
Chief of Staff to acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968)
Feb to Dec 1986 - Served on the National Security Council staff by Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)/ VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian)
CIA agent Lt. Col. Oliver North’s Assistant.
1986 - Member of the staff of the Vice-President’s George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948) Task Force on Terrorism.

James Roderick Lilley (brother of Frank Lilly S&B 1943)
President George H. W. Bush (S&B1948) has a longstanding friendship that began in the early 1970s, when Lilley was the head of station for the CIA in Beijing, and Bush (S&B 1948) was the chief of mission.
20 Apr 1986 to 10 May 1989 - United States Ambassador to China by President George H. W. Bush (S&B1948)
1986 to 1989 - United States Ambassador to South Korea by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Freemason). Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B1948).
From 1985 - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs, Secretary George P. Shultz (Bohemian) by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Freemason) / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B1948)

Winston Lord (S&B 1959)
1985 to 1989 - U.S. Ambassador to Communist China

Robert W. Kagan (S&B 1980)
1985 to 1988 - Member of the State Department Policy Planning Staff

Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)
2004 - John Kerry (S&B 1966) for President Campaign Member.
1980 to 1981 - U.S. Ambassador to Austria by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Bohemian. Freemason)
1977 to 1980 - U.S. Ambassador to Hungary by President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)
1969 to 1975 - Chairman, Managing Director of Encyclopedia Brittanica International Ltd., London
1964 to 1969 - Minister at the American Embassy in London, Great Britain by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
1961 to 1964 - U.S. Ambassador to Mauritania by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
1961 to 1964 - U.S. Ambassador to Senegal by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Dale Allen Vesser (Rhodes 1954)
1985 to 1987 - Director of Strategic Plans and Policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In that position, he was responsible for developing the nations military strategy.

Charles Theodore Mayer (S&B 1951)
1982 to ? - Special Assistant, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy by Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / VP George H.W. Bush (S&B 1948).

Donald Gregg
CIA. Franklin Coverup Reference
27 Sep 1989 to 27 Feb 1993 - United States Ambassador to South Korea by President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948) and Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)
Aug 1982, became National Security Advisor by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) and Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian).**

Richard Alan Sauber (S&B 1972. Rhodes)
1982 to 1984 - Chief of the Defense Procurement Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General William French Smith (Bohemian) by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) and VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian.)

Wendell Lewis Willkie, II (Rhodes 1973)
2005 to 2007 - A member of the President’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968)
1989 to 1993, Acting Deputy Secretary, 1992 to 1993 - General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Commerce to Robert Mosbacher (Choate, GHWB S&B 1948 1988 Campaign Director. Be-friended GHWB S&B 1948 in texas) by President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)
1988 to 1989 - Counsel, Office of the President Elect George H. W. Bush S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian.
1985 to 1988 - General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Education to Secretary Otis Bown (Delta Chi, Phi Beta Pi, Relative of GHWB S&B 1948) by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)
1984 to 1985 - Served as an associate counsel to the President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / VP GHWB (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian) at the White House.
1982 to 1984 - General Counsel of National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH] by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / VP GHWB (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian).

William H. Draper (S&B 1950)
1986 to 1993 - Administer of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), overseeing 10k international aid projects.
1981 to 1986 - President and Chairman of the U.S. Export-Import Bank by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) and VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)

John Negroponte
27 Feb 2007 to 23 Jan 2009 - United States Deputy Secretary of State, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (CFR) by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968) and Barack Obama.
21 Apr 2005 to 13 Feb 2007 - 1st Director of National Intelligence by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968)
29 July 2004 to 17 Mar 2005 - United States Ambassador to Iraq by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968)
19 Sep 2001 to 23 Jun 2004 - 23rd United States Ambassador to the United Nations by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968). 8 days after 9/11.
26 Oct 1993 to 5 Aug 1996 - United States Ambassador to the Philippines by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968).
3 Jul 1989 to 5 Sep 1993 - United States Ambassador to Mexico by President George H.W. Bush(S&B 1948) and Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)
3 Nov 1987 to 20 Jan 1989 - Deputy National Security Advisor by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) and Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian.)
19 Jul 1985 to 23 Nov 1987 - Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason.) and Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian.)
11 Nov 1981 to 30 May 1985 - United States Ambassador to Honduras by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason.) and Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian.)

Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr. (Rhodes 1958)
1996 to 2001; 2010 to Present - Defense Policy Board.
1994 to 1995 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)
1993 to 1994 - Chairman of National Intelligence Council by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)
1989 to 1993 - U.S. Representative, Secretary-General’s Advisory Committee on Disarmament Matters, United Nations by President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)
1986, Chairman of exchanges between U.S. and Soviet theorists of international relations, International Research and Exchange Commission.[4] by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian, Freemason) / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948, Freemason, Bohemian, Delta Kappa Epsilon)
1981 to 1983 - Co-Chairman, Panel on U.S. Security and the Future of Arms Control by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian, Freemason) / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948, Freemason, Bohemian, Delta Kappa Epsilon)
1979 to 1992 - Oceans, Environment, and Science, Advisory Board, Department of State to Cyrus Vance (Scroll and Key) to President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)

Matthew Nimetz (Rhodes 1960)
1994 to 1995 - Special Envoy of the President on the Macedonian Mediation by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)
1986 to 1994 - Chairman United Nations Development Corporation by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Freemason / VP GHWB S&B 1948) and George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948).
1980 - Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology to Secretary of State, Edmund Muskie (Phi Beta Kappa. CFR. FYI, Thomas Hodge Allen Rhodes 1967 - Staff 70 to 71) by President Jimmy Cater (Trilateral Comission)
1977 to 1980 - Counselor of the Department of State, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance (S&K 1939) by President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)
1967 to 1969 - Staff Assistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson

Eugene Bertram Skolnikoff (Rhodes 1950)
1987 - Member State Department Advisory Committee on Science and Technology by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian).

James L. Buckley (S&B 1944)
1982 to 1985 - President of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
1982 - State Department Counselor
1981 to 1982 - Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance

Evan Griffith Galbraith (S&B 1950)
1981 to 1985 - U.S. Ambassador to France

William H. Draper III (S&B 1950)
1981 to 1986 - Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Jonathan C. Rose (S&B 1963)
**1981 to 1984 - Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy

Charles Edwin Lord (S&B 1949)
1981 to ? - Vice Chairman and Vice President of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Christopher Taylor Buckley (S&B 1975)
1981 to ? - Chief speechwriter for Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)

George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)
1989 to 1993 - President of the United States.
1981 to 1989 - Vice President of the United States.
1976 to 1977 - 11th Director of Central Intelligence.

[1] - 11 Jun 1985, President Diary Entry….President Regean diary entry on 11 Jun 1985 after a meeting, reveales a space shuttle capacity for 300 people.

Entry: Had a group of Dem. & Repub. Congressmen in the Roosevelt Room for a session on why they should support the bi-partisan bill before the house to give aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters. I think we did some good. Lunch was with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such we could orbit 300 people.

Later in my office one of the guests Dr. Edward Teller reported on where we are on our Defense research for a way to halt Nuclear missiles. The bad news is that our Congressional advocates of lower defense spending are cutting our research funds at a critical moment that will be very hurtful to the program.

We have house guests, Nancys brother & wife, Betsy Bloomingdale & Maureen—a very pleasant dinner. They are all here for tomorrow nights State Dinner—P.M. Gandhi of India.

[2] - White - Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)

[3] - - Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)

[4] - - Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)

[5] - Presidential - Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)

[6] - FYI - Wiki - Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason)

[7] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[8] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[9] - Video - Ronald Reagan Speech interrupted. “Missed me”

[10] - 31 Mar 1981 - News Hearld (AP) .. Hinckley’s brother had ties with Bush Family

[11] - Who.What.Why - Bush Angle to Reagan Shooting Still Unresolved as Hinckley Walks by Russ Baker 16 Aug 2016

[12] - Youtube - Operation Freedom - Dr Dave Janda - Freedom, Transparency, and if … Presentation to new starters, left and right axis is theatre, the up (freedom) and down (oppression) was to be focused on. Asked to work on Freedom, to be the counterbalance for those working on oppression. 95% of politicans leveraged in 1988.

[13] - List of Wars involving the United States.

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