WW1 - Red Cross and Medical
No disrespect is intended for honourable servicemen and women.
Skull and Bones / Others / Related - to be completed
George Bowen Case (S&B 1894) - 1917, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson appoints George Case to the War Council within the Red Cross. Major General Case helps transform the Red Cross into an international institution.
Henry Pomery Davison - Davison was named Chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross.
- Son, Henry Pomeroy Davison, Jr. (S&B 1920) was a director at Time magazine who married Anne Stillman (1902–1987), daughter of James A. Stillman (Chairman of National City Bank aka Citibank).
- Son, Frederick Trubee. Davison (S&B1918), CIA.
- Daughter, Alice Trubee Davison (1899–1983), who married Artemis Lamb Gates (S&B 1918) in 1922.
- Daughter, Frances Pomeroy Davison (1903–1969), who married Ward Cheney (S&B 1896), a son of Charles Cheney, a partner at J.P. Morgan & Company, in 1926.
Erastus Corning (S&B 1903) - Lt. Col. Med Corps AEF.
1919 to ? - Chief Surgeon, American Expeditionary Force, Archangel, Northern Russia.
Walter Jennings (S&B 1880) 1918 to 1919 - Chairman of New York County chapter of American Red Cross. 1907 to 1908, Vice-President. 1908-1918, President of National Fuel Gas Company. 1890 to 1894, Assistant, 1894 to 1903, Manager, Since 1903, Director, 1908 to 1911, Secretary in domestic trade department of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey.
1882 to 1886 - Custom house clerk and buyer with Pratt Manufacturing Company of New York and general purchasing agent for National Transit Company of Oil City, Pa., 1886 to 88, both affiliates of Standard Oil Company.
Foster Harry Rockwell (S&B 1906) - Major, American Red Cross, Foreign Service.
Apr 1918 to Mar 1919 - Deputy Commissioner American Red Cross Commission to Great Britain.
Francis Parsons (S&B 1893) - Capt, American Red Cross, Foreign Service.
Jul 1918 to Jan 1919 - Captain American Red Cross in Great Britain.
Chester Wolcott Lyman (S&B 1882) - Chairman of the Red Cross and War Work Committee.
Henry Barstow Platt (S&B 1882) - Served as Director Bureau of Personnel, Overseas Service, Atlantic Division, American Red Cross.
Jul 1918 - John Howland (S&B 1894) - Commissioned as Major in the Medical Corps; served in Surgeon General’s Office at Washington, and as medical consultant at Camp Meade, MD.
1918 - Antonio Johnston Waring (S&B 1903) - Captain, Army Medical Corps, charge of infectious diseases.
Sep 1917 to Mar 1918 - James Cowan Greenway (S&B 1900) - Major, Medical Corps.
1917 to 1918 - Alfred Newton Wheeler (S&B 1923) - Private. Served with Norton Harjes Ambulance Corps in France, then American Red Cross Ambulance Corps in Italy; Italian War Cross.
1917 to 1918 - Thacher Thomas Day (S&B1904) - Member of the American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
1914 to 1915 - Gardner Aspinwall Richardson (S&B1905) - Ambulance Field Service.
George Leslie Harrison (S&B1910) - Capt. American Red Cross (Foreign Service).
Harold Sherman Wells (S&B1907) - Capt. American Red Cross (Foreign Service).
Foster Harry Rockwell (S&B1906) - Major, American Red Cross, Foreign Service.
Apr 1918 to Mar 1919 - Deputy Commissioner American Red Cross Commission to Great Britain.
Mar to August 1917 - Director of Canteen Service, Department of Military Relief, American Red Cross, Washington D.C.
Erastus Corning (S&B 1903) - Lt. Col. Med Corps AEF.
1919 to ? - Chief Surgeon, American Expeditionary Force, Archangel, Northern Russia.
(NOTE: 339th Infantry?? were sent to Northern Russia to fight the Bolsheviks)
Joseph Rockwell Swan (S&B 1902) - Major, American Red Cross.
7 Dec 1917 - Joseph Storer Wheelwright (S&B 1897) - Commissioned Captain, Medical Reserve Corps, Promoted Major February 24, 1918, overseas February 28-June 20, 1915, and 10 Mar 1918 - 13 Apr 1919, me’decin-chef Hopital Bis 32, Passy, served with Evacuation Hospital 12 and as consulting surgeon, Chatillon District, November, 1918-Apnl, 1919, in engagements at Chateau-Thierry and St-Mihiel, discharged April 16, 1919, fellow New York Academy of Medicine, American College of Surgeons, and American Medical Association.
Curtenius Gillette (S&B 1897) - Lt. Col, Med Corps AEF.
Samuel Johnson Walker Jr. (S&B 1888) - Served on medical staff at the Junior Plattsburg Training Camp in the , and the following September entered the service of the American Red Cross as a deputy commissioner.
Alexander Lambert (S&B 1884) - Commissioned Major, Medical Reserve Corps. Chief Surgeon, American Red Cross in France, June, 1917-August, 1918, and medical adviser August-November, 1918.