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Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

Democratic. Politician. Groton School. Harvard University. Columbia University

Executive order to buy all public gold, give to the federal reserve and store in Fort Knox.

In the first 8 years of FDRs presidential office, FDR bought 13.185k metric tons of gold out of the economy whilst people were starving to take it out of circulation (to steralise it, prevent its monetarisation)[6]

4 Jun 1942 to 7 Jun 1942 - Battle of Midway (Naval battle in the Pacific Theater of WW2)

25 Feb 1942 - Battle of Los Angeles (Many UFOs appeared sweaping in from the Ocean over LA)

19 Feb 1942 - FDR Signed Executive Order 9066 - Internment of Japanese, German and Italian Americans.

1 Jan 1942 - The Allied ‘Big Four’ (US, UK, USSR and China) signed a short document which later came to be known as the United Nations Declaration, followed the next day by the representatives of twenty-two other nations added their signatures.

7 Dec 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor

6 May 1937 - Hiddenberg Disaster during final approach to Lakehurst Naval Air Station, NJ

Jan 1937 - increase in Bank Reserve requirements by 33% increase, requiring performing loans to be shutdown and foreclosed. Resulted in the creation of agricultural giants who picked up land cheaply. [7]

Aug 1936 - FDR via Federal Reserve increased bank reserve requirements causing the banks (not in trouble) to call in half of their loans (performing and default loans).[7]

15 Apr 1935 - The Treaty on Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments - Organised by Nicholas Roerich (Search mind map).

21 Nov 1933 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Col. Edward M. House, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson - and I am not wholly excepting the Administration of W.W. The country is going through a repetition of Jackson’s fight with the Bank of the United States - only on a far bigger and broader basis.”[13]

4 Mar 1933 to 12 Apr 1945 - 32nd President of the United States

(Vice President: 1933 to 1941 - John Nance Garner, 1941 to 1945 - Henry A. Wallace, Jan to Apr 1945 - Harry S. Truman)

29 Oct 1929 to 1939 - The US Great Depression. Market liquidity stopped, exposing leveraged positions (assets bought with borrowed money) that resulted in debt and default, if margin calls (that cover broker exposure on leant money) can not be met by the position holder.

Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman and his fellow monetarist Anna Schwartz argued that the Federal Reserve could have stemmed the severity of the Depression, but failed to exercise its role of managing the monetary system and ameliorating banking panics, resulting in a Great Contraction of the economy from 1929 until the New Deal began in 1933.[1,8] This view was endorsed by Fed Governor Ben Bernanke who made this statement in a speech honoring Friedman and Schwartz:

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you’re right. We did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.[1,9][1,8] — Ben S. Bernanke

1939 - Work starts on the Manhattan Project (Nuclear bomb) at Los Alamos - Search mind map. Henry Lewis Stimson (S&B 1888), Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1912), George L. Harrison (S&B 1910), John Reagan McCrary Jr (S&B 1932) and John Hersey (S&B 1936).

1 Jan 1929 to 31 Dec 1932 - 44th Governor of New York

17 Mar 1913 to 26 Aug 1920 - Assistant Secretary of the Navy by President Woodrow Wilson (Col. Edward M. House)

1 Jan 1911 to 17 Mar 1913 - Member of the New York Senate from the 26th district


Son, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.(Freemason)

Son, James Roosevelt (Freemason)

Lee James Perrin (S&B 1906)
Father-in-law to President D. Roosevelt’s son.

Henry Lewis Stimson (S&B 1888)
WW2 - Secretary of War

Zeph Stewart (S&B 1943)
WW2 - Operation Magic - Translated radio messages revealing the Japanese plan to attack.

George Schley Stillman (S&B 1935)
WW2 - Lt. Commander US Naval Reserve. Office of the Chief Naval Operations and as a Naval Aide at the White House.

William Skinner Kilborne (S&B 1935)
1941 to 1942, 1944 to 1946 - Board Directors National Federation Settlements - President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.

[Lowell Melcher Clucas Jr (S&B 1939)]
WW2 - 1942 to 1945 - Office of War Information by President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1909)
WW2 - Special Assistant on Atomic Matters to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888). Bundy was the key Pentagon man on the Manhattan Project and was Stimson’s constant companion to conferences in North Africa, Italy and Germany.
Jul 1931 to Mar 1933 - Assistant to Secretary of State, Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888)

W. Averell Harriman (S&B 1913)
1943 to 1946 - U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr (Seven) 1 Dec 1944 to 27 Jun 1945 - 48th United States Secretary of State by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
4 Oct 1943 to 30 Nov 1944 - United States Under Secretary of State by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)
11 Mar 1941 to 25 Sep 1943 - Administrator of the Office of Lend-Lease Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

George Frederick Baer Appel (S&B 1924)
1944 to 1945 - Foreign Economic Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).
1942 to 1944 - Lend-Lease Administration, Administrator Edward R. Stettinius, Jr (Seven Society) by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

Louis Kepler Hyde Jr. (S&B 1942)
1943 to 1944 - Dept. Trade relations Advisor, Foreign Economic Admin.
1942 to 1943 - Dept. Director, Planning & Dev Staff, Special Assistant to Dept. Administrator Lend-Lease Admin.

Frank Ridgeway Aydelotte KBE (Rhodes 1905)
1940 to 1941 - Involvement in the World War II pro-Allied organisations Fight for Freedom and the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies.
Beginnng August 1939, Einstein and several other top scientists had written to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, urging that the United States should launch a massive program to develop nuclear weapons. Their pleas were a major factor driving the wartime Manhattan Project that invented the first atomic bombs.
1921 to 1940 - 7th President of Swarthmore College.

**Hugh R. Wilson (S&B 1906)
1938 - U.S. Ambassador to Nazi Germany
1927 to 1937 - U.S. Minister to Switzerland
1937 to 1938** - Assistant Secretary of State

Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918)
1941 to 1945 - Assistant Secretary of War for Air

[Artemus L. Gates (S&B 1918)]
1941 to 1945 - Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air

Archibald MacLeish (S&B 1915)
1944 to 1945 - Assistant Sec. of State for Public and Cultural Relations
1939 to 1944 - Librarian of Congress

Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936) 1944 to 1946 - Chief of Planning Staff, Foreign Economic Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason) 1942 to 1944 - Chief of the Project Operations Staff, Board of Economic Warefare by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) 1939 to 1942 - Federal Reserve, Economist to the Board of Governors.

Stanley Woodward (S&B 1922)
1944 to 1950 - Chief of Protocol [White House]
1937 to 1944 - Assistant Chief of Protocol, U.S. Dept, of State

Benjamin Bruce Wallace (Rhodes 1904)
1937 to his death - Advisor on Foreign Trade Policies, Division of International Relations at the U.S. Tariff Commission by Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).

William Christian Bullitt Jr (S&K1912)
1936 to 1940 - United States Ambassador to France by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)
21 Nov 1933 to 16 May 1936 - First United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

E. Sheldon Whitehouse (S&B 1905)
1933 to 1934 - U.S. Minister to Colombia

Frederick Flower Robinson (S&B 1927)
1937 to ? - [during Great Depression] - Assistant Administration, National Unemployment Census by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).
1933 to 1934 - [during Great Depression] - Deputy Administration, National Recovery Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).

Cordell Hull (Father, Master Mason & Brother a mason)
WW2 - Sent Jews back on the SS. St. Loius to the Holocaust in 1939, killing an est. 254 and recieved Nobel Peace prize in 1954, for being an underlying force and architect of the United Nations.
Great Depression / WW2 - 1941 - Lend-Lease Act 19414 Mar 1933 to 30 Nov 1944 - 47th United States Secretary of State by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)
Preceded by
Henry L. Stimson (S&B1888). Succeeded by Edward Stettinius Jr. (Seven Society)**

John Kenly Bacon (Wolf’s Head 1896)
WW2 - 1944 - Executive Assistant, Office of Press Relations, State Department to Secretary Cordell Hull and Edward Stettinius Jr. (Seven Society) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
WW2 - 1942 - Acting Chief, Division of River Plate affairs.(President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason))
WW2 - 1942 - Assistant Chief, Division of American Republics.
WW2 - 1939 to 1941 - Second Secretary, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.(President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason))
1938 to 1939 - Third Secretary of Legation, Caracas, Venezuela.(President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason))
1936 to 1938 - Consul, Stockholm, Sweden.(President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason))
1932 to 1935 - Vice-consul, St. John, N. B., 1931, Lima, Peru.(President Herbert Hoover(Bohemian)

Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck (Rhodes 1904. Freemason) 1944 to 1947 - U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands to Secretary of State, Cordell Hull by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason). 1929 to 1937 - State Department Chief of Division of Far Eastern Affair to Secretary, Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888) by President Herbert Hoover (Bohemian)

Jesse Holladay Philbin (S&B 1913)
WW2 - State Department, Secretary of State, Cordell Hull and Edward Settinius Jr (Seven Society) to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1927 - Assistant General Counsel & Secretary, Federal Reserve Bank (NY).

[1] - White - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[2] - Spartacus Educational - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[3] - - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[4] - - President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[5] - FYI - Wiki - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[6] - 25th Feb 1942 2:25am - Battle of LA. 6 Civillians died. Research witness, William Tompkins.

[7] - Aug 1936 - FDR via Federal Reserve increased bank reserve requirements causing the banks (not in trouble) to call in half of their loans.

[8] - Time - Person of the Year

[9] - Attack on Pearl Harbour 1941 - Annimation and Camera footage

[[10] - SGT Report - Wayne Jett - In the first 8 years of FDRs presidential office, FDR bought 13.185k metric tons of gold out of the economy whilst people were starving to take it out of circulation (to steralise it, prevent its monetarisation)](]

[11] - James Perloff - Peal Harbour: Roosevelt’s 9/11

[12] - Find a Grave - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

[13] FDR was initiated October 10, 1911; Passed November 14, 1911; Raised November 28, 1911, Holland Lodge No. 8, New York, New York; on February 28, 1929 he received the 32nd degree Scottish Rite in Albany Consistory; on March 25, 1930 he joined Cyprus Temple of the Mystic Shrine, Albany, New York; on April 25, 1930, at Greenwood Court No. 81, he received Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Warwick, New York, “at sight;” on February 18, 1931, he was made honorary member of Tri-City Chapter No. 103, National sojourners, Londonville, New York and became a member of Cypress Moslem Shrine Temple, Albany, New York; On October 30, 1931, he was made Tri-Po-Bed Grotto M.O.V.P. Poughkeepsie, New York, “at sight;” on February 17, 1933 he was present and took part in the degree, when his son Elliott was raised 3rd degree member of that lodge on this occasion; on March 15, 1933 he was an honorary member of Washington Centennial Lodge No. 14; on March 23, 1934, he was elected honorary member of Almas Moslem Shrine Temple, Washington, DC. During his years as President, he received many delegations of Freemason at the White House. On April 13, 1934 he became the first honorary Grand Master of the Order of DeMolay. On November 7, 1935 two more sons, James and Franklin D. were raised 3rd Master Mason in this lodge, with their father present. FDR never received the 33rd degree, contrary to what some authors write.1According to some FDR was an Illuminati Puppet.2 Nelson Rockefeller was the power behind this president. FDR was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations. Died in office April 12, 1945. He is responsible for passing the Emergency Banking and Relief Act of 1933. He so warmly embraced this unconstitutional law. He orders use of the Great Seal on the reverse side of the dollar bill. Thought by some to be a Crypto-Jew of Dutch ancestry.3 There are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families are portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the Great Seal.4

[13.1] - Mackey, The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

[13.2] - Still, William T., New World Order: The ancient Plan of Secret Societies, p. 21

[13.3] - Hitchcock, Andrew, The Synagogue of Satan, 2006, p. 128

[13.4] - Springmeier, Fritz, The Illuminati Bloodlines, 2005

[15] - Spartacus - Colliers cartoons

[16] - Book - WallStreet and FDR - The True Story of How Franklin D. Roosevelt colluded with Corporate America by Professor A.C. Sutton

[17] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[18] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[19] - Book - Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries by William Mills Tompkins and Dr. Robert M. Wood

[20] - - 1934: The Plot Against America by Scott Hoton, Jul 28, 2007

[21] - Book - No ordinary time : Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt : the home front in World War II by Goodwin, Doris Kearns (1994)

[22] - Book - The White House looks south : Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson by Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-

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