Harry S Truman_freemason.jpg

Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Democrat. Politician. Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason and a noble in the Imperial Shrine.[4]

21 May 1953 - Kingman UFO Crash. Search Mind Map … Dan Burisch.

Dec 1952 - George Adamski Encounter.

19 to 29 Jul 1952 - Reports of UFO’s flying over Washington, D.C. CIA concerns [7]. UFOs flying in Luftwaffe formation. Search mind map … Robertson Panel established 14th Jan 1953.

Apr 1952, the Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations (inc Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carneigie Endownment)

1952, Truman secretly consolidated and empowered the cryptologic elements of the United States by creating the National Secruity Agency (NSA).[3]

Apr 1951, Truman removed General Douglas MacArthur (Freemason) from his command of the United Nations forces in Korea. McCarthy called for Truman to be impeached and suggested that the president was drunk when he made the decision to fire MacArthur: “Truman is surrounded by the Jessups, the Achesons, the old Hiss crowd. Most of the tragic things are done at 1.30 and 2 o’clock in the morning when they’ve had time to get the President cheerful.”

1 Nov 1950 - Assassination attempt on Truman (Freemason).

25 Jun 1950 - Communist forces in North Korea invaded the Republic of South Korea, crossing the 38th parallel at several points. Truman immiately accounced that he would use American forces for the defense of South Korea.[2] Truman upset conservative forces in the United States when he took the side of Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State, in his dispute with General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War. Acheson and Truman wanted to limit the war to Korea whereas MacArthur called for the extension of the war to China. Joe McCarthy once again led the attack on the administration: “With half a million Communists in Korea killing American men, Acheson says, ‘Now let’s be calm, let’s do nothing’. It is like advising a man whose family is being killed not to take hasty action for fear he might alienate the affection of the murders.”[2]

March to May 1949 - Forrestal (MJ-12) opposed the utopians’ startegy of appeasement coupled with brinkmanship. He was simply opposed to communism [Research Hegelian Dialect and the Best Enemy Money Can Buy] … March 28 1949, Forrestal (MJ-12) was forced out of office and flown on Air Force plane to Florida. He was taken to “Hobe Sound” (Jupiter Island), where Robert Lovett (S&B 1918) and an army of psychiatrist dealt with him.[20][20b]…

…He was flown back to Washington, locked in Walter Reed Army Hospital … On May 22, James Forrestal’s body was found, his bathrobe cord tied tightly around his neck, after he had plunged from a sixteenth-story hospital window. The chief psychiatrist called the death a suicide even before any investigation was started. The results of the Army’s inquest were kept secret. Forrestal’s diaries were published, 80 percent deleted, after a year of direct government censorship and rewriting.[20][20b]

3 Apr 1948 - Implemented the Marshall Plan.[1]

18 Sep 1947 - Signed the National Security Act. Merged the Department of War and the Department of Navy into the National Military Establishment (later the Department of Defense) and creating the U.S. Air Force. The act also created the Central Intelligence Agency and he National Security Council. [1,155]

8 Jul 1947 - Roswell Daily Record publishes headline … ‘RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region’ [6][7]

12 March 1947 - Truman announced details to Congress of what eventually became known as the Truman Doctrine. In his speech he pledged American support for “free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. This was followed by the Marshall Plan, a proposal to offer American financial aid for a programme of European economic recovery. [2]

6 and 9 Aug 1945 - Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Killing between 150k to 330k people and many more thereafter. Research Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1909), who oversaw the Manhattan Project for Secretary of War and Chairman of the interim Committee, Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888) and deputy chairman **George L. Harrison (S&B 1910).**

12 Apr 1945 to 20 Jan 1953 - 33rd President of the United States. (1945 to 1949 no Vice President. 1949 to 1953 - Alben W. Barkley)

20 Jan 1945 to 12 Apr 1945 - 34th Vice President of the United States by Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

3 Jan 1935 to 17 Jan 1945 - United States Senator from Missouri

1 Jan 1927 to 1 Jan 1935 - Presiding Judge of Jackson County, Missouri

1934 - The editor of the International review of secret societies wrote, the Mason official does not impartially forefil his duties, he places his public authority at the service of his secret chiefs. The mason judge is not free. He is obliged to submit to fraternal pressure.[16]

1 Jan 1923 to 1 Jan 1925 - Judge of Jackson County, Missouri’s Eastern District

Died 26 Dec 1972, from Lung congestion from pneumonia. Developed multiple organ failure, fell into a coma and died. Age 88. Event + 9y1m4d (3,322 days)

Korean War

William McChesney Martin Jr. (Elihu 1928)
2 Apr 1951 to 31 Jan 1970 - 9th Chairman of the Federal Reserve by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason), Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Lloyd V. Berkner (TBC)
1953 - Member of the Robertson Panel.
1951 to 1960 - Berkner was head of Associated Universities, Inc., formed by nine universities to operate the Brookhaven Natonal Laboratory for the Atomic Energy Commission.

Lowell Melcher Clucas Jr (S&B 1939)
1952 to 1954 - United States, Department of State, US Public Affairs Officer (Bavaria Munich, Germany) by President Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Returning in 1956.

Frederick Trubee Davison (S&B 1918) 1951 to 1952 - Director of CIA for Personnel

Armistead Mason Lee (Rhodes 1938)
1951 - FSO, Washington.

[James] Frederick [John] Gillen (Rhodes 1935)
The Special Projects Program of the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany.
1952, Historical Division, Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. (John J. McCloy, CFR).
1950 to 1953 - Historian of the State Department to Secretary Dean Acheson (S&K 1915) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Larkin Hundley Farinholt (Rhodes 1928) 1950’s - Deputy Science Advisor to the State Department, Secretary Dean Acheson (S&K 1915), John Foster Dulles (The Pilgrams, Rockfeller Foundation, Allen Dulles/JFK) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason) and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
1951 and 1952 - Science Attache, U.S. Embassy London, Ambassador Walter Sherman Gifford (President of AT&T 1925 to 1948) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

**James J. Wadsworth (S&B 1927)
1950 to 1952** - Deputy Administrator of the Federal Civil Defense Administration

Charles M. Spofford (S&B 1924)
1950 - Deputy Representative to NATO.

Robert Abercrombie Lovett (S&B 1918)
Korean War - 17 Sep 1951 to 20 Jan 1953 - 4th United States Secretary of Defense by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
Korean War - 4 Oct 1950 to 16 Sep 1951 - 2nd United States Deputy Secretary of Defense to George Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1 Jul 1947 to 20 Jan 1949 - 15th United States Under Secretary of State to George C. Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

George Crews McGhee (Rhodes 1934)
1952 to 1953 - U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, Secretary of State, Dean Acheson (S&K 1915) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason). Assisting its entry into NATO membership.
28 Jun 1949 to 19 Dec 1951 - 1st Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs to Secretary of State Dean Acheson (S&K 1915) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

James Jeremiah “Jerry” Wadsworth (S&B 1927)
15 Nov 1952 to 20 Feb 1953 - Administrator of the Federal Civil Defense Administration by President Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Benjamin Rice Lacy, Jr. (Rhodes 1907)
1948 - U.S. Representative to the International Conference on Theological Education in Geneva by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Frederick Lawson Hovde (Rhodes 1929)
1952 to 1960, Member, 1956 to 1958, Chairing the Panel of the Army Scientific Advisory Panel, Department of the Army.
Sep 1951, Member, 1953 to 1955, Acting Board Chairman, Board of Foreign Scholarships of the Department of State, Secretary Dean Acheson (S&K 1915) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1950 to 1952 - Chairman of the Building Research Advisory Board of the National Research Council.
1947 to 1949 - While at Purdue, he also served as chairman of the Committee on Guided Missiles of the Research and Development Board (OSRD)

Benjamin Mayham Hulley (Rhodes 1917)
1947 to 1951 - State Department Chief of Division of Northern European Affairs to Secretary of State, George C. Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Townsend Walter Hoopes (S&B 1944)
1948 to 1953 - Assistant to Secretary of Defense by President Harry Truman (Freemason). Staff aid to James Forrestal (MJ12 “Fell”), General George Marshall “Marshall Plan” (Freemason) and Robert A Lovett (S&B 1950). 1947 to 1948 - Assistant to Chairman, Communication on Armed Services, House of Rep by President Harry Truman (Freemason).

George Bernard Noble (Rhodes 1913)
1946 to 1962 - State Department Chief of Division of Historical Policy and Research, Secretary James F. Byrnes (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Charles Eugene Sunderlin (Rhodes 1933)
1951 to 1957 - Deputy Director of National Science Foundation.(1951 - 1st Director, Alan Tower Waterman appointed by President Harry S. Truman. Aug 1917 - Married Mary Mallon (Sister of Henry Neil Mallon S&B 1917), Dresser Industries and Zapata Corporation founded by Geroge H. W. Bush (S&B 1948))
1946 to 1951 - Joined Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), London.

Lincoln Gordon (Rhodes 1933)
1952 to 1955 - Chief of M.S.A. mission to the United Kingdom and Minister for Economic Affairs in United States Embassy, London.
1951 to 1952 - Assistant Director for Mutual Security Agency to William A. Harriman (S&B 1913).(US Agency to strengthen European allies of WW2 through military assistance and economic recovery.)
1950 to 1951 - Economic Adviser to William Averell Harriman (S&B 1913), Special Assistant to the President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1949 to 1950 - Director of the Program Division, Office of E.C.A. special representative in Europe.
1948 - Consultant in the U.S. Department of State working on the European Cooperation Administration (E.C.A) to Secretary George C. Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1947 - Consultant in the U.S. Department of State working on the Marshall plan to Secretary George C. Marshall (Freemason).[Connections to W.A. Harriman (S&B 1913)]
1947 - Consultant, Army and Navy Munitions Board.
1946 - Consultant to the U.S. Representative on the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

William Averell Harriman (S&B 1913)
1951 to 1953 - Director of Mutual Security Agency by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
1948 to 1950 - United States Coordinator for the European Recovery Program [Marshall Plan]
7 Oct 1946 to 22 Apr 1948 - Secretary of Commerce by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
30 Apr 1946 to 1 Oct 1946 - U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Louis Kepler Hyde Jr.
1946 to 1950 - Member, Permanent Mission to United Nations by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
1945 to 1969 - Advisor to U.S. Delegation, U.N. General Assembly, 1st - 4th sessions, & 1st-10th sessions of U.N. Economic & Social Council.
1945 - Assistant to Secretary of State, in charge of policy review & analysis to Secretary of State, Edward Reilly Settinius Jr (Seven) until 27 Jun 1945 and James Francis Byrnes (Freemason) from 3 July 1945 by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Artemus L. Gates (S&B 1918)
Jul 1945 to Dec 1945 - Under Secretary of the Navy

Charles Seymour (S&B 1908)
1943 to 1945 - Chairman, Post War Planning Committee.

Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck (Rhodes 1904. Freemason)
1944 to 1947 - U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands to Secretary of State, Cordell Hull by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

George Thomas Washington (Rhodes 1929)
1950 to 1965 - Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
15 Oct 1949 - Nominated to U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, no Senate vote.
1948, Legal adviser, U.S. Delegation to UN Conference on Freedom of the Press, Geneva, Switzerland.
1946 to 1949 - Assistant solicitor general, U.S. Department of Justice to Tom C. Clark (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1946 to 1947 - Acting solicitor general, U.S. Department of Justice to Tom C. Clark (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1944 to 1946 - Special assistant to the Attorney General of the United States to Francis Biddle (Biddle Family. Resigned at Truman’s request. Appointed Freemason) and Tom C. Clark (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)
1949 to 1953 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of Labor for International Affairs to Secretary Maurice J. Tobin (Knights of Columbus. Moose. Foresters. Died heart attack in office. Age 52[2]) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason) 1944 to 1946 - Chief of Planning Staff, Foreign Economic Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Stanley Woodward (S&B 1922)
1944 to 1950 - U.S. Ambassador to Canada (1950-1953); Chief of Protocol for the White House.

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr (Seven Society)
1947 - Stettinius and friend Wiliam Tubman, the president of Liberia, helped from the Liberia Company, a partnership between the Liberian government and American financiers to provide funds for the development of the African nation.
17 Jan 1946 to 3 Jun 1946 - 1st United States Ambassador to the United Nations by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1 Dec 1944 to 27 Jun 1945 - 48th United States Secretary of State by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Archibald MacLeish (S&B 1915)
1944 to 1945 - Assistant Secretary of State for Public and Cultural Relations.

John Kenly Bacon (Wolf’s Head 1896)
1944 - Executive Assistant, Office of Press Relations, State Department to Secretary Cordell Hull and Edward Stettinius Jr. (Seven Society) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

George Burgwin Holmes (S&B 1945W)
1950 to 1952 - Foreign Service Officer, Brussells, Belgium, US Embassy (Belgium Jean Duvieusart / Joseph Pholien / Jean Van Houtte. US President: Truman)
1949, joined the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency.

**Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888)
1940 to 1945** - Secretary of War.

William Skinner Kilborne (S&B 1935) 1941 to 1942, 1944 to 1946 - Board directors National Federation Settlements - President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Jonathan B. Bingham (S&B 1936) - Deputy Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration.

Holbrook Mann MacNeille (Rhodes 1928)
Post WW2 - 1946 to 1948 - Science Director at the U.S. Office of Naval Research, London office.
WW2 - Spent more than a year as chief of the fundamental research branch of the Atomic Energy Commission.

Dana Kavanagh Bailey (Rhodes 1936)
WW2 - 1943 to 1945, Washington, 1945, Manila, 1945 to 1946, Tokyo - Charge Radio Propagation Section, Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington.

George L. Harrison (S&B 1910)
National Council of the Committee for the Marshall Plan.
1948 to 1954 - Chairman of the board of New York Life Assurance Co.
WW2 - Interim Committee Deputy Chair and Consultant to Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888)

Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1909)
WW2 - Special Assistant on Atomic Matters to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

Jesse Holladay Philbin (S&B 1913)
WW2 - State Department, Secretary of State, Cordell Hull and Edward Settinius Jr (Seven Society) to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Dean Acheson (S&K 1915), Son S&B 1943
Korean War - 21 Jan 1949 to 20 Jan 1953 - 51st United States Secretary of State by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)
16 Aug 1945 to 30 Jun 1947 - United States Under Secretary of State to Secretary James F. Byrnes (Freemason) and George C. Marshall (Freemason) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
20 Dec 1944 to 15 Aug 1945 - Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations and Internation Conferences by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
1939 to 1940 - Headed a committee to study the operation of administrative bureaus in the federal government.
From 1933 - Undersecretary of the Treasury, Secretary William H. Woodin (Federal Reserve) by President Franklin Roosevelt (Freemason)

Charles Delahunt Mahaffie (Rhodes 1905)
1929 to 1954 - Commissioner of the Interstate Commerce Commission by President Herbert Hoover (Bohemian), Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason), Harry S. Truman (Freemason) and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

[2] - Spartacus-educational.com - Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

[2b - Presidential-power.org - Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

[2c] - Millercenter.org - Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

[3] - Saturday evening post.com Apr 2014 - NSA’s secret start

[4] - Millenialfreemason.com - Truman-presidential podcast masonic

[5]- BBC - US Secretary for War - Henry Stimson (Skull and Bones)
The man who saved Kyoto from the Atomic Bomb (“Kyoto was seen as an ideal target by the military because it had not been bombed at all, so many of the industries were relocated and some major factories were there,” says Alex Wellerstein, who is a historian of science at the Stevens Institute of Technology.)

[6] - FYI - Wiki - Roswell UFO Incident

[7] - CIA Website - Center for the studt of intelligence

[[8] - See [13]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_to_Investigate_Tax-Exempt_Foundations_and_Comparable_Organizations

[9] - Liberty Radio - Exposing the Tax Exempt Foundations - Dr. Stan Monteith and Norman Dodd Influencing the textbooks 16min, 1909 consideration by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Foundation (Global Think Tank) 25min. Controlling US diplomatic machinery by State department 33min45sec

[10] - Norman Dodd - 2nd Chief invesigator for the Reece Committe, to invesigate tax exempt foundations

[11] - Exopolitics.org - New investigations shows disputed mj-12 document exposing exterterrestrial contact is authentic

[12] - Exopolitics.org - Did German astronaut pretend to be from venus during the adamski 1952 encounter

[13] - FYI - Wiki - U.S. House Select Commmittee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations

[14] - Find a Grave - Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

[15] - Who is Hiram Abiff ?

In Masonic teachings Hiram Abiff is the architect of King Solomon’s Temple and his story is one of faithfulness and death before dishonour. But more than that, Hiram Abiff (or Adoniram as he is known in some texts) is the template of excellence in Masonry and appears throughout the centuries in many Masonic degrees in various guises, lessons and references. A figure of virtue, justice, skill and honour, if Freemasonry has a hero that hero is Hiram Abiff.

[16] - Occult secrets of the illuminati with Philip gardiner (1h03min)

[17] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[18] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[19] - Our Elder Brothers Return - A History In Books (1875 to present)

[[20] - Amazon - George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Anton Chaitkin, Webster G Tarpley (2004)] (https://www.amazon.co.uk/George-Bush-Webster-Griffin-Tarpley/dp/0930852923#reader_0930852923)

[20b] - Archive.org - George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

[21] - Book - The White House looks south : Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson by Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-

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