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Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

Republican (1880 to 1911). Progressive “Bull Moose” (1912 to 1916). Politician. Author, Conservationalist. Explorer. Historian. Naturalist. Police Commissioner. Soldier. Sportsman. Freemason. Porcellian Club, Hasty Pudding Club, O.K, Alpha Delta Phi, Dickey (Delta Kappa Epsilon), and the Institute of 1770.[17,p39]

Reported Mar 27, 1922, NY Times, Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason) said in 1919, “These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government”.[3,2h23min]

27 May 1908 - Aldrich-Vreeland Act - was passed in response to the Panic of 1907 and established the National Monetary Commission, which recommended the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Search mind map … Aldrich

Rep Charles A. Lindbergh (R-MN) would later explain the 1907 Economy Crash, “Those not favourable to the money trust could be squeezed out of business and the people frightened into demanding changes in the banking and currency laws which the Money Trust would frame.”[5]

1907 - J.P.Morgan crashed the stock market.[3][4]

1905 - President Theodore Roosevelt assists in mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese War.

1902 - Theodore Roosevelt … “Allegedly went after J.P.Morgan and friends by using the Sherman Anti-trust Act to try to break up their industrial monopolies. Actually, Rosevelt did very little to interfere with the growing monopolisation of American industries, by their bankers and surragates. For example, the Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly, but it wasn’t broken at all, just divided into 7 corporation all still controlled by Rockefellers.”[4]

14 Sep 1901 to 4 Mar 1909 - 26th President of the United States

4 Mar 1901 to 14 Sep 1901 - 25th Vice President of the United States by William McKinley (Preceded by Garret Hobart who died 21 Nov 1899 from Heart Disease. Age 55.[5] Succeeded by Charles W. Fairbanks would had advised McKinley during the Spanish-American War[6])

1 Jan 1899 to 10 May 1898 - 33rd Governor of New York - Lieutentant: Timothy Lester Woodruff (S&B 1879)

21 Apr 1898 to 13 Aug 1898 - Spanish American War. (Trigger Event, Explosion of the USS Maine).

19 Apr 1897 to 10 May 1898 - Assistant Secretary of the Navy to Secretary John D. Long (Delta Kappa Epsilon) by Grover Cleveland (backed by the Whitney Group, lead by William Collins Whitney S&B 1863 who ordered the USS Maine.)

6 May 1895 to 19 Apr 1897 - President of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners

1887 - Founded the Boone and Crockett Club (advocated fair chase hunting in support of the habitat. The club worked for the expansion and protection of Yellowstone Park and the establishment of American conversation in general. Responsible for elimination of commerical market hunting, creation of the National Park and National Forset Services, National Wildlife Refunge system, wildlife reserves, and funding for conversation, all under the umbrella of what is known today as the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation[2])

1 Jan 1883 to 31 Dec 1883 - New York State Assembly Minority Leader

1 Jan 1882 to 31 Dec 1884 - Member of the New York State Assembly from the Manhatten 21st district

1882 to 1886, 1898 - United States Army - Spanish-American War - Colonel

Son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr (Freemason)

Died 6 Jan 1919. Details below. Age 60

On the night of January 5, 1919, Roosevelt suffered breathing problems. After receiving treatment from his physician, Dr. George W. Faller, he felt better and went to bed. Roosevelt’s last words were “Please put out that light, James” to his family servant James Amos. Between 4:00 and 4:15 the next morning, Roosevelt died in his sleep at Sagamore Hill after a blood clot had detached from a vein and traveled to his lungs.[1]

Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Jr. (Rhodes 1939) - Grandson of former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason).

William Howard Taft (S&B 1878)
4 Mar 1909 to 4 Mar 1913 - 27th President of the United States.
8 Feb 1909 - The Grand Master of Ohio, Charles S. Hoskinson, convened an Occasional Lodge at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Cincinntai for the purpose of making the President-elect, William H. Taft (S&B 1878), a Mason at sight. 29 Sept 1906 to 13 Oct 1906 - Provisional Governor of Cuba by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason). (Search mind map Spainish-American War).
1 Feb 1904 to 30 Jun 1908 - 42nd United States Secretary of War by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason). Preceded by Elihu Root (Sigma Phi)
4 Jul 1901 to 23 Dec 1903 - Governor-General of the Philippines by President William McKinley (Freemason). Preceded by Arthur MacAuthur, Jr (Military Governor) whose term finished early due to clash with William Howard Taft (S&B 1878).
17 Mar 1892 to 15 Mar 1900 - Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit by President Benjamin Harrison. (Seat Established)
4 Feb 1890 to 20 Mar 1892 - 6th Solicitor General of the United States by President Benjamin Harrison.**

Nelson W. Aldrich (Freemason)
1910, Aldrich was persudaded of the necessity of a central bank for the United States. [This is after the historic non renewal of licences for the First and Second Bank’s of the United States … Search mind map]
1908 - Chairman of the National Monetary Commission, which studied the causes of the Panic of 1907.
1907 - Financial Panic that leads to the Federal Reserve) - Secretary to United States, Ambassador to Great Britain Whitelaw Reid (5 Jun 1905 to 15 Dec 1912) (Delta Kappa Epsilon) by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason, Delta Kappa Epsilon)** and William Howard Taft (S&B 1878);

Thomas D. Thacher (S&B 1904)
1907 to 1910 - Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

William Henry Welch (S&B 1870)
1907 - Appointed by President Roosevelt to commission to devise Federal meat inspection law.

Asa Palmer French (S&B 1882)
1906 to 1914 - U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts

Amos Parker Wilder (S&B 1884)
1906 to 1909 - U.S. Consul-General in Hong Kong

Henry Lewis Stimson (S&B 1888)
1906 to 1909 - U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York

Amos Richards Enco Pinchot (S&B 1897)
1905 to 1909, served a political apprenticeship as lobbyist for President Theordore Roosevelt (Freemason)

Gifford Pinchot (S&B 1889)
1905 to 1910 - Chief of the U.S. Forest Service

George Chandler Holt (S&B 1866)
1903 to Jan 1914 - United States District Judge for Southern District of New York by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason).

George W. Woodruff (S&B 1889)
1907 to 1909 - Assistant U.S. Attorney General
1903 to 1907 - Chief law officer of U.S. Forest Service

William Kneeland Townsend (S&B 1871)
1902 to 1907 - Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

Eugene Hale
18 Sep 1913 to 18 Dec 1913 - Member of the National Monetary Commission. Chairman Nelson W. Aldrich. Father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller.
Dec 1908 to 4 Mar 1911 - Chairman of the Senta Republican Conference.
4 Mar 1881 to 3 Mar 1911 - United States Senator from Maine.

Ellis Henry Roberts (S&B 1850)
1897 to 1905 - Treasurer of the United States.

Stanford Newel (S&B 1861)
1903 to 1905 - U.S. Minister to Luxembourg.
1897 to 1905 - U.S. Minister to the Netherlands.

Ellis Henry Roberts (S&B 1850. Alpha Delta Phi)
1 Jul 1897 to 30 Jun 1905 - 20th Treasurer of the United States by President William McKinley (Freemason) and Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason).

Andrew D. White (S&B 1853)
1897 to 1902 - U.S. Minister to the German Empire.

[0] - - Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

[[2] - The Money Masters - reference to breaking up the Rockefeller oil monoply.

[3] - The Money Masters - reference J.P.Morgan crashed the share market and then offered to save economy.

[4] - The Still Report - The Money Masters, 1800 - reference to 1902, Resoovelt alledgedly went after JPMorgan and friends.

[5] - The Money Masters - reference to Lindbergh explaining the scam of the 1907 crash

[6] - FYI - Wiki - Trust Company of America

[7] - - Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

[8] - FYI - Wiki - Garret Hobart

[9] - FYI - Wiki Charles W. Fairbanks

[10] - Eustace Mullins - Secrets of The Federal Reserve (FULL) - Sherman Anti Trust Act is used to protect existing monopolies

[11] - - Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

[12] - - Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)

[13] Theodore Roosevelt. 1901-09. 26th President: As Vice-President at the time of McKinley’s assassination, Roosevelt assumed the Presidency in 1901 and was elected in 1904 as the 26th President of the United States of America. Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry informs us: “A member of Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York, he was initiated January 2, 1901; Passed, March 27, 1901, and Raised, April 24, 1901. His Masonic interests were keen, loyal, and constant., and his intercourse with Brethren abroad and at home most enjoyable. He participated wholeheartedly in a number of public Masonic functions.”1 10,000 Famous Freemasons adds to his Masonic credentials, which are so lengthy that it would not do justice to make even an attempt to edit them, except to conclude, “He was a proud and active Freemason.”2Theodore Roosevelt, was blood related to both Presidents Martin Van Buren and to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In his book Be Wise as Serpents, Fritz Springmeier describes high level rituals carried out in the Burg Castle in Belgium. There are Dutchmen in the genealogy of the Roosevelt presidents in the line that goes back to the British royalty.3 Other prominent elitists tie back to the Netherlands and Belgium also. Elizabeth Van Buren wrote The Sign of the Dove which is a book about the Merovingian’s and Jesus.4 The book takes a Gnostic approach to religion, and pus forth the idea that the Merovingian’s were of extra-terrestrial descent.5
1 Mackey, The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
2 Denslow, 10,000 Famous Freemasons, 1957.
3 Springmeier, Fritz, Be Wise as Serpents.
4 Van Buren, Elizabeth, The Sign of the Dove, 1983.
5 Springmeier, Fritz, The Illuminati Bloodlines, 2005.

[14] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[15] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[16] - The Still Report - The Money Masters, 1800 - Roosevelt attempt at breaking up monoplies.

[17] - Book - Theodore Roosevelt A Biography by Henry F. Pringle (1931) - Refs Porcellian, Hasty Pudding Club, O.K, Alpha Delta Phi, Dickey, and the Institute of 1770

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