Wallace Delafield Simmons_sandb1890.jpg

Wallace Delafield Simmon (S&B 1890)

Industrial. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon.

Member Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal), St. Louis.

1924 to 1929 - St. Louis Union Trust Company.[4]

13 Mar 1919 to 1928 - Appointed chairman of the Colombian Group committee and served as such until his resignation.[4]

1917 to 1919 - Third National Bank (when it consolidated with several others and became the First National Bank, of which he was a director until 1929)

1919 to 1921 - Member of National Foreign Trade Council.[4]

1918 to 1919 - Member of Committee of Fifteen on Educational Preparation for Foreign Service of the Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior.[4] by Woodrow Wilson (Edward M. House.)

WW1 - 23 Oct 1917 - As a result of the War Finance Committee, appointed by William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, a member of Excess War Profits Advisory Board, and served as such at Washington until its work was finished on April 3, 1918, and the Board of Review was appointed; made an advisory member of the latter board and served as supervisor of field plans until the board was dissolved in September, 1919.[4]

WW1 - 19 Mar 1917 - Appointed by Mr. R. G. Rhett, President of the National Chamber, Chairman of its War Finance Committee.[4]

WW1 - 1917 to 1918 - Served (under appointment by the Secretary of War, Newton Diehl Baker, Epsicopal High School. Phi Gamma Delta ) as member of Commercial Economy Board of the Council of National Defense (which later became the Conservation Division of the War Industries Board).[4]

1915 to 1929 - Philadelphia National Bank.[4]

1915 - Designated a member of the Colombian Group Committee of the Inter American High Commission at its organization, at the time of First Pan-American Financial Conference in Washington.[4]

1913 to 1914 - Vice-President of Chamber of Commerce of the United States during its first year, acting as chairman of its banking and currency committee.[4]

1910 to 1914 - National Bank of Commerce of St. Louis.[4]

1907 to 1912 - Director of Commonwealth Trust Company of St. Louis.[4]

1904 - President of Yale Alumni Association of St Louis and secretary of Associated Western Yale Clubs.[4]

31 Oct 1900 - Married in St Louis, Jessamine Barstow, Randolph-Macon ex-01, daughter of Charles Warren and Ella Rebecca (Gale) Barstow, and sister of Edward H Barstow, ‘07. Children: Eleanor (Mrs. Carl J. Koehler); and Edward Campbell, 2d, ex-19.

1900 - Served as member of citizens’ force of the sheriff of St. Louis during railway employees’ strike.[4]

Fall 1890 - Became connected with Simmons Hardware Company, clerk in various departments and traveling salesman until 1892, assistant treasurer 1892-98, also sales manager for several years; president from January 1, 1898, until his retirement from active business January 1, 1923 (headquarters in Philadelphia 1912-16), the interests of the Simmons Hardware Company and the Winchester Company of New Haven being merged on July 1, 1922, into the Winchester-Simmons Company of Delaware, of which he was then made a director and continued as such until his death (had been a director of Simmons Hardware Company since 1892), trustee of Associated Simmons Hardware Com-panies 1911-1929.[4]

1890 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 7 Dec 1929, from Heart Disease. Age 62.[4]

Father .. Edward Campbell Simmons, founder, president and chairman of board of directors of Simmons Hardware Company.[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[4] - Yale Obituary Page 127 / On the page 126

[5] - War and Taxes By Steven A. Bank, Kirk J. Stark, Joseph J. Thorndike

[6] - Find a Grave - Wallace Delafield Simmon (S&B 1890)

[7] - Political Graveyard.com - William Gibbs McAdoo - Freemason reference

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