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Richard Milhous Nixon (Bohemian. Order of the Red Friars]

Republican. Lawyer. Whittier College. Duke University School of Law. Bohemian Club. White Star Ranch. Alfalfa Club.

Nixon had been elected in 1968 on the promise of achieving “peace with honor” and ending the Vietnam War. It would go another 7 years.

8 Aug 1974 - Richard Nixon (Bohemian) becomes the first president of the United States to resign. Gerald Ford (Freemason) pardoned Nixon (Bohemian).[2]

27 Jul 1974 - House Judiciary Committee passes the first of 3 articles of impeachment, charging obstruction of justice.[2]

17 Nov 1973 - The President declares, “I’m not a crook,” maintaining his innocence in the conspiracy and cover-up of the Watergate scandal.[2]

1973 - The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade regarding abortions.[2]

29 Mar 1973 - The End of the Vietnam War. The United States ended its military involvement in Vietnam. The Vietnam War continued for another 2 years, but the South Vietnamese no longer received American assistance.[2]

1973 - The CIA, acting in secret, helps to overthrow the government of Chile under Salvador Allende.[2]

14 May 1973 - Skylab: Skylab, a small orbital space platform, is launched.[2]

30 Jan 1973 - Former presidential aides, G. Gordon Liddy and James W. McCord, are convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping in the Watergate incident.[2]

15 Jan 1973 - Bowing to strong anti-war sentiments the President announced on national television plans for a cease fire and to end U.S. offensive actions in Vietnam.[2]

11 Nov 1972 - Richard Nixon is re-elected in one of the largest landslides in American history.[2]

1972 - The President visits China starting a week-long summit aimed at ending twenty years of cool relations between the two countries, enabling the policy of detente.[2]

1972 - The Anti-Ballistic-Missile Treaty of 1972 limits the number of US and Soviet defensive antiballistic missile systems.[2]

1972 - The SALT Agreement (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks): Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and the President meet in Moscow and sign the SALT agreements.[2]

23 June 1972 - Nixon quoted as saying to HR Haldeman…’Very bad, to have this fellow Hunt, ah, you know, ah, he, he knows too damn much and he was involved, we happen to know that. And that it gets out that the whole, this is all involved in the Cuban thing, that it’s a fiasco, and it’s going to make the FBI, ah CIA look bad, it’s going to make Hunt look bad, and it’s likely to blow the whole, uh, Bay of Pigs [Code word to JFK Assassination] thing which we think would be very unfortunate for CIA and for the country at this time, and for American foreign policy, and he just better tough it and lay it on them.’

17 Jun 1972 - The Watergate Break-in; Five men, including one who says he used to work for the CIA, are arrested for trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate hotel and office complex.[2]

1972 - Ford Motor Company built Gorki Plant in Soviet Union. Produced the GAZ vehicles with US components that were being used by the Viet Cong on the Ho Chi Minh trail during the Vietnam War .[13] (Search mind map Gorki for more examples of U.S./ Other countries - arming and builing up the Soviet Union.)

By 1972, less than 30% of Americans agreed with the Vietnam War. Protests erupted in Washington, D.C. and on college campuses across the US.[2]

5 Feb 1971 - Apollo 14 lands on the moon commanded by Alan Shepard. He was the only astronaut from Project Mercury to reach the moon.[2]

Mar 1971 - The Pentagon Papers were leaked revealing that previous administrations had been dishonest.[2]

1971 - Nixon signs the National Cancer Act. The 26th Amendment ratified giving 18-year-olds the right to vote.[2]

22 Apr 1970 - The first Earth Day was celebrated.[2]

1970 - The Clean Air Act was passed and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created to protecting human health and the environment by enforcing laws passed by Congress.[2]

4 May 1970 - Four students shot dead at Kent State University by Ohio National Guardsmen.[2]

20 Jul 1969 - Apollo 11 launches. It lands on the lunar surface. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon.[2] Search mind map … Operation Lune (mocumentary - filler sequences?).

16 Jul 1969 - Apollo 11 Launch.

16 Jul 1969 to 1977 - U.S. Extra-Terrestrial Exposure La

1969 - The Cold War continued the struggle between communism and democracy. The Vietnam War (November 1, 1955 – April 30, 1975) also continues.[2]

20 Jan 1969 to 9 Aug 1974 - President of United States. Nixon’s Vice President was: Gerald Ford (Freemason)(1973/74), None Oct to Dec 1973. Spiro Agnew (1969 to 1973). Search mind map Gerald Ford.

21st Nov 1963 (Event - 1 day), Madeleine Brown was at the home of Clint Murchison. Others at the meeting included Hunt, J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy and Richard Nixon. At the end of the evening LBJ arrived. Brown said “Tension filled the room upon his arrival. The group immediately went behind closed doors.[10] Search mind map Madeleine Frances Duncan Brown.

20 Jan 1953 to 20 Jan 1961 - 36th Vice President of the United States by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

1 Dec 1950 to 1 Jan 1953 - United States Senator from California.

3 Jan 1947 to 30 Nov 1950 - Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California 12th district.

Died 22 Apr 1994, from a stroke four days ealier. Age 81.

Pictured: Tompkins Drawing of NASA Live Feed of Starships on Edge of Sea of Tranquility Crater Menacing Apollo 11 Astronauts. Source: William Tompkins, Selected by Extraterrestrials. [18,p.417]

1955 to 1975 - Vietnam War

Paul Fessenden Cruikshank Jr. (S&B 1952) 1974 to 1976 - Vice President Strategic Planning, Universities Space Reseach Association (USRA). Chartered 12 Mar 1969 as a parent organisation to the Lunar Science Institute (LSI) announced by President Lyndon Baines Johnson on 1 Mar 1968.

Amos Azariah Jordan (Rhodes 1947)
1974 to 1976 - Principal Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs to Elliot Richardson (Order of Cincinnati. Freemason. Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisification. Harvard. Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian).

Bradford Curie Snell (S&B1967)
1974 - Counsel, US Senate Anti-trust Subcommittee.

Winston Lord (S&B 1959)
1973 to 1977 - Director of State Department Policy Planning Staff

William H. Donaldson (S&B 1953)
1973 to 1974 - Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance

Donald Etra (S&B 1968)
1973 to 1977 - Trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C., Attorney General Richard Kleindienst, Elliot Richardson (Freemason), Robert Bork (Phi Beta Kappa), William B. Saxbe (Chi Phi), Edward H. Lexi (Phi Beta Kappa), Dick Thornburgh (acting) and Griffin Bell by Richard Nixon (Bohemian), Gerald Ford (Freemason. VP Nelson Rockefeller) and Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)

William Colby - RIP, replaced by G.H.W.Bush S&B 1948 4 Sep 1973 to 30 Jan 1976 - Director of Central Intelligence by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) / Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Nelson Rockefeller)

John K. Tabor (S&B 1943)
1973 to 1975 - Under Secretary of Commerce, to Secretary Peter George Peterson and Frederick B. Dent by President Richard Nixon.

Norman Edwards Terrell (Rhodes 1958)
1973 to 1975 - Special Assistant to Counselor, Department of State, Secretary William P. Rogers (Sigma Chi, Order of the Coif), Kenneth Rush (Phi Beta Kappa) and Henry Kissinger (Bohemian) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Rockefeller)

Charles S. Whitehouse (S&B 1947)
1973 to 1975 - U.S. Ambassador to Laos
1972 to 1973 - Deputy Ambassador to South Vietnam

James Perrin Quarles III (S&B 1965)
1972 to 1975 - Legal Staff , Office of Enforcement, EPA (DC), Secretary William Ruckelshaus by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason)

Kenneth Lay (Zeta Phi)
1972 to 1974 - Energy deputy under secretary for the United States Department of Interior, Secretary Rogers Morton (Delta Kappa Epsilon. Brother Thruston Ballard Morton Jr, S&B 1954) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason)

John Albert Knubel (Rhodes 1963)
1973 to 1974 - Department Assistant Administrator for the Federal Energy Administration for International Affairs by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian).
1972 to 1973 - First served under National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger (Bohemian) as Assistant Director for Program Analysis by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)
Advisor to President Richard Nixon (Bohemian).

Richard Newton Gardner (Rhodes 1951)
1972 - U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Conferenece to the Human Environment by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Lloyd Montgomery Shepard Jr. (S&B1939)
1972 - Mich. Finance Chairman, Committee to Re-elect the President Richard Nixon (Bohemian).

Richard Anthony Moore (S&B 1936)
1971 to 1974 - Special Counsel to the President of the United States

George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948)
1971 to 1973 - Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
1971 to 1973 - U.S. Representative to the United Nations.

Thomas D. Rowe (S&B 1964. Rhodes)
1971 to 1973 - Assistant Counsel, U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Potters Steward (S&B 1937)
26 Feb 1971 - Swore in George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948) as United States Ambassador to the United Nations. G.H.W.Bush S&B 1948 would serve as the Ambassador to the United Nations from 1 Mar 1971 to 18 Jan 1973.

Jonathan C. Rose (S&B 1963)
1972 to 1974 - General Counsel of Council on International Economic Policy
1970 to 1972 - Special Assistant to the President of the U.S.

Robert Lewis Sansom (Rhodes 1965)
1972 to 1974 - Assistant Administrator for Air and Water Programs at the Environmental Protection Agency to Secretary Robert W. Fri (acting) and Russell E. Train (Founder Chairman of WWF) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Nelson Rockefeller).
1971 to 1972 - Deputy Assistant Administrator of Environmental Protecton Agency for Planning and Evaluation to Secretary William Rucklelshaus by President Richard Nixon (Bohmian).
1970’s - Served on Dr Henry Kissinger’s [Bohemian] National Security Council by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason).

Frederick Lawson Hovde (Rhodes 1929)
1970 to 1973 - Member of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Harvey Russell Wellman (Rhodes 1937)
1970 - Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for narcotics matters in Washington. Secretary of State, William P Rogers (Sigma Chi. Order of the Coif) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian).

Frank Arne Sieverts (Rhodes 1954)
1969 to 1975 - Special Assistant to Deputy U.S. Secretary of State for Prisoner of War Matters to William P. Rogers, Kenneth Rush and Henry Kissinger (Bohemian) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Rockefeller).

John Butlin Martin, Jr. (Rhodes 1931)
1969 to 1973 - U.S. Commissioner on Aging at the Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to Secretary Robert H. Finch (Bohemian / Lt. to Gov. Ronald Reagan & Bohemian) and Elliot Lee Richardson (Freemason. Bohemian) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian / backed by Prescott Bush S&B 1917)

John H. Chafee (S&B 1947)
1969 to 1972 - Secretary of the Navy

Douglas MacArthur II (Wolf’s Head 1932). Nephew of Douglas MacArthur.
1969 to 1972 - United States Ambassador to Iran

Raymond K. Price Jr. (S&B 1951)
1973 to 1974 - Special Counsel to the President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)
1969 to 1973 - Special Assistant to the President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Townsend Walter Hoopes (S&B 1944)
1 Jul 1971 - In a telephone conversation between Richard Nixon (Bohemian) and Charles “Chuck” Colson, taped on July 1, 1971, Colson relates the news that Lyndon Johnson privately believed that Hoopes [S&B 1944] had played a role in releasing the Pentagon Papers to the press, and that he would have liked to see Hoopes [S&B 1944] taken to court by the government alongside various newspapermen. A 1996 article in The New York Times said that the Pentagon Papers had demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration “systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress.”
17 Nov 1969 to May 1972 - Co-chairman of Americas for SALT 1 (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

David DeWitt Dominick (S&B 1960)
1971 to 1973 - Assistant Environmental Protection Agency Administrator for Hazardous Materials Control
1969 to 1971 - Commissioner of Federal Water Quality Administration [Dept, of the Interior]

Charles Arthur Bane (Rhodes 1935)
28 May 1969 - Nominated by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) to be Judge to U.S. Federal Court of Appeals. Created by the death of Judge Elmer Jacob Schnackenberg (died in office, 15 Sep 1968). Bane withdraw after issues uncovered with personal life.

Sumner Gerard Jr. (Father,Sumner Gerard S&B 1897)
1969, Delegate to Rome, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

George Burgwin Holmes (S&B 1945W)
1972 to 1980 - Foreign Service Officer, Valletta, Malta, US Embassy (Malta President: Sir Anthony Mamo / Anton Buttigieg. US President: Richard Nixon)
1968 to 1971 - Foreign Service Officer, London, UK , US Embassy (UK Prime Minister: Edward Health. US President LBJ / Richard Nixon)
.. In 1949, joined the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency.

John Reagan McCrary Jr. (S&B 1932)
Aid to Richard Nixon

Stanley Roger Resor (S&K 1939)
1973 to 1978 - U.S. Ambassador to the mutual and balanced force reduction negotiations in Vienna by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian), Gerald Ford (Freemason) and Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission).
2 Jun 1965 to 30 Jun 1971 - United States Secretary of the Army by President Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon (Bohemian).

John M. Steadman (S&B 1952)
1968 to 1970 - General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force

Richard McGarrah Helms
30 Jun 1966 to 2 Feb 1973 - Director of Central Intelligence by President Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon (Deputy Rufus Taylor, Robert E. Cushman Jr, Vernon A. Walters)

Robert Warren Barnett (Rhodes 1934)
1963 to 1970 - Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs to Secretary, Dean Rusk (Rhodes 1931) by President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon (Bohemian)

Andrew Dowey Orrick (S&B 1940)
1962 - Northern California Chairman of Richard Nixon’s (Bohemian) unsuccessful campaign for Governor of California.

William Skinner Kilborne (S&B 1935)
1958 to 1970 - Member National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER) by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.

Byron Raymond White (Rhodes 1938)
Byron White, became known as possible swing justices, who would sometimes join with some of the Nixon Justices to issue more conservative decisions.

[1] - White

[2] - Presidential - Richard Nixon - Timeline

[3] - - President - Richard Nixon

[4] - - Richard Nixon

[5] - FYI - Wiki - Richard Nixon

[6] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[7] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[8] - Reference to Nixon / Haldeman conversation. Note: Nixon used keywords such as Pay of Pigs related to the JFK Assassination.

[10] - Madeline Brown

[12] - Von Braun’s Legacy (by Dr. Carol Rosin)

[13] - Antony C Sutton Interview - During 1972 Vietnam War - Gorky Ford Plant in Russia was producing the GAZ vehicles that were being used on the Ho Chi Minh trail

[14] - In 1929, due to a rapidly growing demand for automobiles and in cooperation with its trade partner, the Ford Motor Company, the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy established GAZ.[8][9]

[15] - Alfalfa club member

[16] - Truthstream media - The Two Most Hilarious Things NASA Has Ever Said - reference to von Braun

[17] - The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 1 - reference Nixon signing National Cancer Act in 1971

[18] - Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries by William Mills Tompkins (Author), Dr. Robert M. Wood (Editor) and Nick Redfern (Editor) (9 Dec 2015)

[19] - Wiki - United States Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law, 1969 to 1977

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